
Transforming Values Into Meaningful Impact

We have the tools and know-how to help companies turn values into action when it matters most.

Arabella’s expert problem-solvers, experience with multiple giving platforms, and deep networks in the philanthropic, nonprofit, and government sectors can provide your team with the capacity you need to support, refine, or execute programs that have real impact.

For more than a decade, Arabella has been working closely with corporations that are serious about impact and determined to see their efforts create meaningful change.

Strategic corporate philanthropy and citizenship is rooted in a company’s mission and vision. We help corporations and corporate foundations identify the strongest means available to maximize the impact of their giving and sustainability programs, in line with their values.

But we don’t stop with strategy. We also develop portfolios, design programs, and establish various investment and giving platforms that deliver the impact corporate funders seek. We build. We manage. We execute. Our expert professional staff handles the details of program and organization management so that corporations can focus more fully on making a difference.

Arabella’s deep networks in the philanthropic, nonprofit, and government sectors can provide your team with the capacity you need and connect you with like-minded partners.